Never underestimate...

 You know, I have taken up living with some black chick that Matthew Sever encouraged me to allow into my home.  And, we ALL know I have nothing against black people - fuck, I was as good as married to one for almost a decade.  I love black women.  Nevertheless, never underestimate the ability of people to be peopleAnd, in this particular instance, my 'roommate' is living up to be every kind of stereotype she possibly can, and every stereotype I would expect upon first glance.

FIRSTLY, let me describe this bitch - 6'3" (at least), 200+lbs (at least), black as night, and from the UK.  Now, I know what you're thinking - well-mannered, and properly British.  Nope.  No fucking way.  This chick eats, and eats, and eats, and eats, and the point that I can totally understand why she has such a weight problem.  Incidentally, this problem of hers is reflected in every single photograph she has ever published - reaching her fat fucking arm into the air to get a downward shot.  Note for future reference, here, if you see a shot like that, you have a FAT ASS on your hands.  She hides her enormity by taking that shot and only that shot.  I saw pics of her prior to meeting her, and I thought she was petite and cute...I was wrong.  In fact, she looks more like a fucking GORILLA - the shape of her head, the angle of her teeth, length of her appendages, darkness of her skin tone, and sheer size.  I mean this woman could kick the shit out of most men that I know...easily.  But, more to the point, also like our primate cousins, the gorillas in Africa, she has ZERO manners, completely breaking the mold I established for myself, via Simon and my own creative mind, decades ago.  

I always thought English people had better manners than Americans.  Simon was the inculcator of this false belief.  He was incredibly well mannered.  This bitch, on the other hand, has NONE of what Simon showed me so often through the decades long friendship.  This bitch will eat the last of your donuts (she did exactly that to me days ago), she'll take my shit without asking, and she will basically justify it by claiming societal ignorance - "that's NOT how WE do it in England....gufaw, gufaw, gufaw..."  Well, bitch, that is how we do it in the US.



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