Nikki Lynn Silva, et. Al. In SoFlo

I'm absolutely revolted. This is one of those times where a woman has gotten the better of me yet again. This time her name is Nicole Lynn Silva. and this is possibly one of the most is the most junky b**** I wasted a year and a half or two and a half years of my life on. not only did she take up my time she spent all my money and whatever she didn't spend she stole. on top of that she stole my labihood and sold it from a junkie to a junkie dealer. I am disgusted with myself I'm disgusted with my predicament and I am disgusted at the fact that I did not see this coming. This is one of the few places where I will actually open up about this because I know nobody reads this. and if you are reading this then you know, my weakness is women. some guys are weak for drugs such as the case with Nicole and Silva she's a junkie and some guys are week four money I used to be that guy; but now my weakness is women and really it's the number one most latent weakness any man can have provided your a straight heterosexual man. then any event this girl has left me high and dry with no money no way to earn any additional money she sabotaged my Jeep which is now inoperable and she left me for dead once she got the cash why she insisted on taking my livelihood my way of making more money my laptop plural I'll never understand. I just had an idea a minute ago but for whatever reason it's fleeting. maybe she was jealous. maybe she knew what I was capable of. I don't think it's any of those things or any of the plethora of other causes I can possibly imagine being at the root of her actions. there's only one motivation at the river actions and that is the needle in her arm. now at this point I'm not sure what I'm going to do I know that I'm leaving South Florida I'm not sure where I'm going to go yet but I'm it's not going to be here. I'm thinking Vegas maybe back to San Francisco depending on who I can talk to who knows maybe something totally new but I can't go backwards. I can only go forwards. that means no Vermont. well I'm still thinking about it and I'll be back but not till South Florida. This place is evil wicked and all the stories about it are true. as always thanks for watching and more to come...


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