She turned...

 SO, the one ...THE ONE....the one I thought was my newest, GREATEST woman, turned on me.  I was warned.  I was told she was a lunatic.  She didn't show it.  Not at all.  But, then....she turned.

I dont even know what the fux happened.  We were talking about all kinds of things.  She said this was the day.  I haven't even gotten with the girl.  Needless to say, I wanted to.  For a while.  For months, in fact.  She doesn't even realize what she's done.  One second, she was cool.  Fuckable.  Loveable.  LOVEABLE

And, even though I know myself - I fall pretty quick and fast and easy - in love - and I did this time.  I usually fall for the wrong ones.

#This time was no different.  She IS hot.  Black, Chinese, and Indian.  Imagine how that could look, and you have HER:

She is easily the most exceptional looking woman I have ever been with.  And, despite her angry side, she is also one of the nicest, if not the nicest woman I have ever been with. Inside and out.  Amazing, wicked, beautiful, and dangerous.  Especially to me.

There's a catch.  And, for now, I mustn't mention it.  Not yet.  I am basking in the glory for the time being and I enjoy it.  I also know that it might not last long.  I'll be back with more soon.


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